Solid Advice For The College Web Designer

TIP! Speed is king when it comes to webpages, so be sure that your images are loading quickly. If a visitor needs to wait while the page loads, they may click off your site and not return.

In order to produce appealing websites that work properly, it important to have a solid understanding of standard website design principles. There are numerous resources available that help beginner web designers find a good place to start, and the following article is one of those. Read on for some handy tips for improved website creation.

TIP! Set up your website to store personal information that users might need to reenter multiple times. For instance, if someone fills out a form using personal information, he or she should have to enter that same information in again when he or she goes to fill out an additional form.

If you want your site to bring in more visitors, you should ensure it’s simple to navigate. You should have the links on your site prominently displayed and easy to navigate. Menus also lend to easy navigation. Post links that lead back to the homepage on each page of your website to make navigation easier for your users.

TIP! Avoid pop-ups. There is not a person out there who will want to visit a website and get overwhelmed with pop-up ads.

Functional websites work out for all visitors, regardless of their browser, so it’s essential that your website is tested across all the major platforms. Something that functions fine in Firefox, might not even appear on the screen of a computer using Internet Explorer or Chrome. Check how each page displays in the major browsers before your site goes live.

TIP! Elicit feedback from your visitors. When you have this area, your visitors can let you know if something needs fixed or if they aren’t sure how use some of the site’s functions.

Let people cancel any action they have started. An action can involve filling out forms, registering for email notifications or newsletters, or browsing the site for various topics or archives. If you do not give visitors the option to get out of an action they do not want to continue with, you are pressuring them into something. This makes them less likely to come back or buy from you in the future.

TIP! No matter what your website looks like, all the file sizes should be small. This is because the size of the files dictates the speed at which your website loads.

Pay attention to the background of your website. There are certain websites that utilize animated GIFs for their backgrounds. While such backgrounds can be attractive in some cases, they can also make it difficult to read the content on your website. Select backgrounds that work in harmony with the site, not in competition with it, and visitors will find your material much more accessible and useful.

TIP! When deciding on a background color for your website, white is a very effective and good choice. White backgrounds give your site a professional look, as well as make the content easy to read.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t overuse JavaScript. While it can provide a large variety of ways to build a more responsive and transparent website, it can cause problems for some of your visitors. Each of the many popular web browsers out there are frequently updated, leading to many different versions being in use at the same time. All visitors won’t have the most current version of the particular browser they’re utilizing. Also, not everybody has JavaScript enabled on their browser. These problems will lead to people not being able to use your site.

TIP! If you want your website to get more visitors, take care to use relevant, up-to-date meta tags on every page of your site. Using relevant meta tags on each page of your site will help search engines categorize the page and show it to people who want to know about your page’s topic.

As mentioned earlier, anyone who is new to website creation must thoroughly understand the essentials of the technique if he or she wants to develop an attractive and operative website. With so much quality data on this subject available, you may have a hard time knowing where to begin. After reading this article you should now be a bit better informed about proper web designs and the basics of how to get started.






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Mobile Optimised Website for your Driving School

With more and more people using mobile devices to find local businesses, including driving schools, it is important that a visitor has a good experience and can read your web page without having to ‘pinch’ and scroll to read the content.

Our new Mobile Websites for Driving Schools is the perfect solution for you. With click to call, click to text, click to email etc., it is now very easy for a visitor to make that initial contact with you.

Also, websites that are designed for mobile devices are ‘preferred’ in search engine local results from the major players.

We can provide your mobile presence whether you are an existing customer, a new customer or if you currently have your own website hosted elsewhere.

You can check out the full details of our mobile website service at:

Driving School Mobile Website


Challenge Driving School

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New Driving School Website Templates

We have added 12 new templates to the system. These all have headers and footers that stretch across the width of any browser size but the main content area is a fixed size. That way, your websites are easy to read in most browser sizes and screen resolutions. See the new driving school website templates – they are at the bottom and labelled “wide”.

You can also see how each template looks on a real website at :

Click on any of the templates to view.

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Obtain Some Good Quality Backlinks

I have just come across the following easy way to create 25 good quality backlinks to each of your web pages. I am using it myself. Whilst there is an option to upgrade, it is not necessary. Be sure to use the keywords that you are targetting for search engine ranking in the ‘Titles’ e.g. driving School Ashford, Driving Lessons Ashford etc.

If you have watched my videos on SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), then you will know how important backlinks are to the search engines in gaining higher rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPS) For the keyword that you are targetting, you may wish to see where you currently rank for that term in Google and compare that to see where you rank in 2-3 weeks time.

It is not often I come across something as easy (and free) as this for getting good quality backlinks so thought I would share it with you.

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